Short Courses

For the last 20 years Dr. Goovaerts has been teaching short courses on environmental and medical geostatistics in 13 countries and 5 continents: US, Belgium, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, Niger, Australia, India, China, Japan, South Korea, and Colombia (see complete list in Resume). These short courses last between two and five days and can be tailored to topics selected by the client. Typical topics include:

  • computation and modeling of variograms,
  • spatial interpolation using kriging techniques,
  • cross-validation and jackknife,
  • factorial kriging and cokriging,
  • probability mapping (parametric and non-parametric kriging),
  • stochastic simulation,
  • analysis of health data (Poisson kriging, cluster analysis),
  • outlier detection,
  • multivariate statistic,
  • geographically-weighted regression.

Courses can be organized in-house or open to the public. Working language is either English or French.

Because of his unique combination of academic background and consulting expertise, Dr. Goovaerts is able to illustrate each concept with multiple examples. The main objective is to provide a hands-on knowledge of geostatistics; hence theoretical lectures alternate with the analysis of real-world dataset using public-domain and commercial software. Basic knowledge of probability and statistics, as well as experience with Geographical Information Systems (GIS), is desired but not required.

Participants to short courses include: graduate students and faculty members, environmental consultants, soil and water scientists, agriculture engineers and scientists, environmental epidemiologists, geophysicists and geologists, and others seeking training in GIS and geospatial science.

Feel free to contact me for more information and a quote.